Proper nutrition is essential for a pregnant mother. Good support for your fuller, heavier breasts is important. I'm not asking you to add extra stuff to your list. Before your stop date, get rid of all your lighter, matches, cigarettes etc.
Smoking is the act of inhalation and exhalation of the fumes of burning tobacco. Cigarettes, the most popular method of smoking, consist of finely shredded tobacco rolled in lightweight paper. In the 19 centuries, smoking was not seen as a harmful act, but laboratory and clinical research has since confirmed that tobacco smoke presently is hazardous to health. Smoke from the average cigarette contains around 4,000 chemicals, some of which are highly toxic and at least 43 of which cause cancer. Nicotine, a major constituent of tobacco smoke, is both poisonous and highly addictive.
If you are going to drink, you'll want to try to drink only light beers or liquor mixed with diet drinks or drinks with no calories. You have to be careful what you drink because it is easy to get carried away with beer sometimes, trust me I know. Each beer can have upwards of 100 calories and after only five, you will be exceeding the 500 calorie mark!
No. 3. Do what ever it takes to be as healthy as you can. Healthy living, cleaner living and positive living have a massive effect on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual presence. Being truly healthy means having a confident, strong, yet calm mind, body and presence. Please note, healthy does not mean fit. Over emphasizing American and /or Western ideals of fitness may in many cases create more stress.
And so the first of my Healthy Living Tips for you is: the only person who really knows what's best for you is you! Unfortunately most of us are not encouraged to trust and believe in ourselves. We tend to be very influenced by other people's opinions and many times, we follow advice that does not necessarily feel right. The reason we ignore that feeling is because we are taught to ask for advice and follow it.
The food group that we all eat too much of is meat. Try to limit your meat intake, and emphasize meat alternatives for your protein needs. While you definitely need meat or an alternative for the protein, most people eat far too much from this food group. You will be surprised at how little is actually required to get you through the day.
WHO SAID 5 A DAY AND WHY DID THEY SAY IT?: Who said 5 a day? Yes they did! This Healthy living Healthy living advice advice stems from a report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) that recommends at least 400g of fruit and vegetables per day to reduce the risk of "non communicable diseases" ( Ischaemic heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, certain cancers etc.). According to a W.H.O. report in 2002, low fruit and vegetable intake is estimated to cause 31% of Ischaemic heart disease and 11% of all strokes. It further estimates that 2.7 million lives could be saved each year if fruit and vegetable consumption were sufficiently increased.
"Prevention is better than Cure". So make sure that you give your pets their baths regularly every week. Keep your house clean and dry and you will never be bothered by the flea problem.
It will help a lot if you will stay with positive people. Find your friends and spend some time with them. Bear in mind that laughter will ease your pains and burdens.